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Moving your DNS between systems

As the cp.pipeten.co.uk control panel is now considered legacy and is lacking some modern DNS features, we strongly recommend migrating your DNS over to the Purely.Website DNS service. DNS migrations do sound like a daunting process, but in reality, its just making sure you have a like for like record in both places before committing to changing the nameservers making the new DNS service live.

To make use of the Purely.Website DNS service you will need to transfer your domain to us, this is a simple process and your DNS won’t be effected by this change. Once the domain transfer has completed we can begin the DNS migration.

We recommend opening up both control panels in two separate windows so you can compare and easily copy the DNS records from one control panel, to the other.

Now its just a simple process of duplicating all the records across to the new Purely.Website DNS control panel. See the record specific guides here.

Once you’ve copied the records over, give them a double check then when happy you can update the nameservers on the domain to make the new DNS live.

Click here for full details

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2024/01/15 at 10:14 by Jamie

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