This policy contains additional Terms and Service descriptions applicable to the use of public cloud subscriptions.
Standard Fees
For Pipe Ten to maintain ongoing access to a subscription across an appropriately diverse number of Pipe Ten or customer colleagues, a standard monthly fee is charged by Pipe Ten for each subscription accessed or managed. The standard fees are defined in the Public Cloud Services pricing table.
Customer Subscriptions
Where a customer provides Pipe Ten with access to the customer’s own public cloud subscription (customer has direct billing relationship with the provider):
- The customer shall be responsible for the security and any review of access controls, unless explicitly tasked to Pipe Ten.
- The customer shall indemnify Pipe Ten against any costs resulting from any misconfiguration.
- Each cloud subscription shall be liable to a standard fee irrespective of service or spend.
Pipe Ten Subscriptions
Where Pipe Ten provides the customer with a public cloud subscription (Pipe Ten maintains the billing relationship with the provider):
- The customer shall be responsible to Pipe Ten for any costs resulting from the customers use of the resource.
- All applicable resource costs incurred from the cloud provider within that subscription will be subject to a 20% markup to cover billing and currency conversion, not less than the standard fee.
All Subscriptions
- Engineering and Consultancy required within any subscription are billable at the prevailing hourly rates.
- Customers with significant public cloud spending are encouraged to provide us with access to their own direct subscriptions.
- Custom Subscription with Public Cloud resource costs of £ 1000 per month; Pipe Ten will bill the customer the standard fee and the customer shall pay the provider for resources directly.
- Pipe Ten Subscription with Public Cloud resources costs of £ 10 per month; Pipe Ten will bill the customer the standard fee.
- Pipe Ten Subscription with Public Cloud resources costs of £ 1000 per month; Pipe Ten will bill the customer £ 1200 per month.
- Pipe Ten Subscription with Public Cloud resources costs of £ 100,000 per month; Pipe Ten will encourage the customer to migrate to their own subscription or otherwise bill the customer £ 120,000 per month.
- Pipe Ten provides the customer with a Pipe Ten managed service priced at £ 50 per month, which happens to use Public Cloud, but if the customer has no access to the Public Cloud portal, Pipe Ten will only bill the customer £ 50 per month (the standard fee does not apply).
Last changed: 2025/01/07 by Carl Heaton

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2025/01/07 at 11:20 by Carl