Public Cloud

Maximise Flexibility and Innovation with Our Public Cloud Integration Services

Tap into the power of our Public Cloud for scaling or surging application demands using IaaS and IaaC orchestration.

Ideal For:

  • Applications designed to take advantage of public cloud features and capabilities.
  • Startups and SMEs looking for cost-effective, scalable computing resources.
  • Businesses aiming to leverage the global infrastructure of leading cloud providers for enhanced availability and redundancy.
  • Developers needing a wide range of services and tools for building, deploying, and managing applications.
  • Organisations seeking to optimise IT costs while benefiting from the latest cloud technologies.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive management of AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean platforms, whether wholly or partially managed.
  • Flexible pricing models designed to accommodate any budget, ensuring affordability and scalability.
  • Unrestricted access to a broad set of cloud services and APIs for enhanced functionality and integration.
  • Flexible billing options that allow usage of either your own or our resource group subscriptions.
  • Adherence to ISO 27001 compliance and PCI DSS capability, upholding the highest standards of data security.
  • Expert migration and management support to ensure smooth transitions and efficient operations.
  • Advanced scaling capabilities using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for horizontal and hyperscaling needs.
  • Dedicated cost monitoring and optimisation services to maximise efficiency and reduce unnecessary expenditures.

Public Cloud Offerings

Starting from
Managed Amazon Web Services for hyperscaling.Managed Amazon Web Services for hyperscaling.
£90a month
Managed Azure ideal for Microsoft applications.Managed Azure ideal for Microsoft applications.
£90a month
Managed DigitalOcean for simple Linux scaling.Managed DigitalOcean for simple Linux scaling.
£90a month

* Pricing for example, additional licensing and managed service costs may apply.

Public Cloud Insights