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Taking advantage of Pipe Ten’s maintenance services allows you to focus your attention on your application and core systems, whilst Pipe Ten takes care of everything else.

Automated (scripted) and Engineered (human) patching services are available for both operating systems and associated softwares. These ensure that you benefit from the latest features, security and stability.

Licensing services provide you access to preferential pricing, improved support and seeks to minimise the number of suppliers a customer must maintain.

Migrating your website between servers or providers can be a pain and distract from your ultimate goal. Migration services from Pipe Ten take care of this burden for you.

Inclusive Patching

Pipe Ten provides patching services for any Pipe Ten owned and operated hardware and associated part/peripheral devices for firmware inclusive by default.

Where the customer has no access to the underlying system or has core software provided with a Pipe Ten service, then the automated patching service by default.

Generally speaking any software that the customer provides or uploads to a system is the customers responsibility to maintain unless otherwise defined.

Automated Patching

  • For simple or non-critical systems.
  • Pre-packaged with an associated low monthly fee.
  • Operating System (and associated core software) is constantly monitored for update availability and status/version.
  • Available updates are reviewed and where possible tested by an engineer prior to being manually approved and queued for installation.
  • Updates are automatically applied within a pre-defined maintenance window appropriate to the customers need.
  • Often combined with Monitoring & Response services for post-update testing and escalation.

Systems applicable to automated patching:

  • pfSense Firewall
  • OpenVPN Application Server
  • Windows Server
  • CloudLinux Server
  • CentOS Server
  • Ubuntu Server

Software applicable to automated patching:

  • Anti-Virus Agents
  • Backup Agents
  • Systems Monitoring Agents
  • Security Monitoring Agents

Engineered Patching

  • For complex or critical systems.
  • Hourly expertise service.
  • Operating system (and associated core software) is constantly monitored for update availability and status/version.
  • Available updates are reviewed and where possible tested by an engineer prior to being manually approved and queued for installation.
  • Updates are applied manually by an engineer within a pre-defined maintenance window appropriate to the customer’s need.
  • The system is manually verified by engineer as having returned to status as defined by a customer’s testing instructions.
  • Always combined with Monitoring & Response services to provide additional automated testing verification.

Systems applicable to engineered patching:

  • Any

Software applicable to engineered patching:

  • Any


While Pipe Ten is provider agnostic including software, we naturally have expertise, history and success with specific providers on behalf of our customers so often preference these.

Combing the needs and volume of all customers, Pipe Ten seeks to leverage this to establish lasting partnerships whenever mutual value can be added, including:

  • Volume/Price discounts
  • Access to improved support
  • Decreased time-to-live through expertise
  • A single supplier (Pipe Ten) to maintain relationship, oversight and payment

Licensing partners include CloudLinux, ESET, Microsoft, R1Soft, Zevenet, Xen Orchestra and more.


Moving websites, systems and services is not always simple, Pipe Ten’s expertise can often remove a lot of the technical complexity through its experience and familiarity.

In many cases when moving existing sites to Pipe Ten, free assistance and direction from our support team and associated support articles will be sufficient for customers to perform self-migration and testing.

Nobody knows your website and its users better than you or your developer, but in all other cases Pipe Ten can assist with:

  • Assessment of websites, applications, systems and users for hosting requirements inclusive of the sales process
  • Coordinate between appropriate stakeholders (business/customer, host/service provider and other 3rd parties)
  • Plan migrations, roll-backs and associated timelines or impact analysis
  • Assist in moving files, databases and modifying common configurations
  • Assess and plan DNS, e-mail and other complex migration items
  • Assist in testing and common problem resolutions


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Last saved: 2024/03/18 at 12:49 by Carl

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