There can be a few reasons why you may not be receiving support tickets. This guide is written to help you troubleshoot and find out what the cause may be.
Make sure you’re submitting tickets using the correct email address.
Check your Spam Folder – add to your contacts/whitelist
Check your Mail Client Settings – if with Pipe Ten, see and Roundcube
Make sure your domain hasn’t expired.
Check your DNS/MX Records – ensure they’re still present/correct for your mail service. Should be for us.
Make sure you’re submitting tickets using the correct email address
When submitting support tickets, you have the option to input an email address into one of the form’s fields. By default, this will be set to the email address listed within the hosting account’s contact details that you’re logged into.
Responses to support tickets will go to this email address, so if you’re a developer or similar, you may need to change this to your own email address to be able to see our responses, otherwise they will go to the email address of the account holder.
You can see in the screenshot below where you will need to input your own email address.
Check your Spam
Spam checking isn’t infallible and can be known to label legitimate emails as spam despite them being completely innocent. It’s always safe to assume if you haven’t received an expected email from any provider, it may have been labelled as spam and sent to your spam folder instead.
Most mail providers and mail clients use their own methods for processing spam, so it is often best to check with them if you’re having a persistent issue with incoming emails being marked as spam.
If your mail is managed by yourself, we’d recommend adding to your contacts, as well as to your spam whitelist if possible. If your email is managed elsewhere by a third party, getting in touch with them and asking them to whitelist the email address should also help.
Check your Mail Client Settings
A mail client is an application which you can use to connect to your mail provider’s servers and access your emails remotely. Examples of popular mail clients include Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird or Mac Mail.
These mail clients require connection settings to connect to the mail server your emails are located on. If these connection settings are wrong, you may not be able to access/send emails from that mail client.
It’s always worth checking with your mail provider what these connection settings may be if you’re having issues sending/receiving emails. A lot of mail settings are very similar, but often vary slightly between service providers. If you’re using our mail services, you can find the correct connection settings at
Make sure your domain hasn’t expired
Please note: This only applies if you’re using an email linked to your own domain name.
When a domain name expires and isn’t renewed, the domain in question gets suspended and all of the attached DNS records become inaccessible. This leads to your MX records also becoming unusable. Your mail services for the domain will therefore go down and you’ll be unable to send or receive email until the domain has been renewed and domain suspension removed.
If you’re unsure as to whether your domain has expired or not, check with your registrar (who you registered the domain with) and they should be able to check for you. You could also perform a WhoIs Lookup if you’re unsure who your registrar is.
Check your DNS/MX Records
Please note: This only applies if you’re using an email linked to your own domain name.
Sometimes when changing nameservers/mail provider, it’s often forgotten to add/change the MX records to point to the new location. You can check what MX records your domain is currently using by accessing your current DNS management system. If you’re using Pipe Ten’s nameservers, you’ll find these within your control panel. If you’re using nameservers, you can view your DNS records by accessing your domain’s DNS Zone. You could also perform a dig (domain information groper) on your domain if you have access to a Unix-like terminal, or just use Google’s online dig tool.

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2024/01/15 at 10:17 by Jamie