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Filezilla – Active and Passive settings

If you have installed FileZilla recently it is important you read this post.

To change between active and passive modes within our recommended FTP package FileZilla, we’ve put together the short guide below.

Pipe Ten’s FTP servers are always configured to support both active and passive FTP connections however depending on your connection/firewall/network settings it is quite common that only one method work and the other may hang while requesting directory listings.

Steps to set Active or Passive FTP

    1. Open FileZilla on your local computer


    1. Click “Edit” and then “Settings…”

    1. Locate the FTP option and click it

    1. Choose between Passive and Active modes and re-test connecting to the server.

Further instructions can be found via our article FileZilla for FTP.

Click here for full details

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2019/11/27 at 16:03 by Jamie

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