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DotNetNuke (DNN) installation guide

In this tutorial we are going to walk though the installation of the popular .NET CMS DotNetNuke on our Windows hosting packages. This installation is a little trickier than other CMS installs and does require you to switch from .NET modes during the install process.

Installation guide

    1. Download the DNN installation package to your local machine
    2. Extract and upload the files via FTP
    3. Setup your MSSQL user and associated database. MSSQL 2008 + is supported, if you are currently using 2005, please submit a support ticket and we can switch your database server
    4. Setup a dedicated application pool and set the application pool to classic mode
    5. When the application pool is in classic mode, load the installer by visiting your domain
    6. Once the install page has loaded switch the application pool to Integrated mode
    7. Fill in the administrative and website information.
    8. If the database is detected successfully then click continue.
      However if the message “No valid database connection detected Standard Database setup option is unavailable”; Custom must be selected and the SQL server details must be input manually.
    9. The relevant information can be found within the pipeten control panel: Databases > MSSQL.

The DNN CMS will now be installed. When its finished you will be redirected to the admin section.

Known issues on IIS 7 servers.

You may receive a 404 error when viewing certain parts of the admin section. You can check what version of IIS you are using here. to resolve this you need to add the following to your Web.Config file,

Search for “<modules>” and change it to the following:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

The version of DotNetNuke used in this guide is, version 07.04.01. All versions from 06.01.04 + should work without issue.

Click here for full details

Classification: Public
Last saved: 2024/09/05 at 11:50 by Jamie

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