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Monitoring & Response

Monitoring traditionally means the real-time checking and alerting to the unavailability or extreme slowness of services. Today every error, millisecond and transaction matters and is subject to strict internal and external SLA with cost to failure associated.

Through our expertise and the technologies we use to manage our own infrastructure and services, Pipe Ten is able to provide its customers both Monitoring & Response services that address the monitoring of Availability, Performance, Transactions and Analytics.

Pipe Ten operates a 24/365 oversight of systems availability and performance for any high priority needs.

Inclusive Monitoring


Pipe Ten closely monitors its own environments and the impact Pipe Ten’s operations have on the external environment.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Partners data centre facilities and rack environments
  • Power use efficiency
  • Resource use and WEEE recycling
  • Team offices

Pipe Ten provides environmental guarantees as part of its SLA.


By default Pipe Ten hardware within Pipe Ten racks in Pipe Ten partner facilities, includes basic availability and hardware monitoring where available covering:

  • Chassis Intrusion Detection
  • Environmental (Temperature) Sensors
  • System Board Status
  • HDD Physical Status
  • RAID/Storage Logical Status

By default any Pipe Ten asset having been deployed to production or having carried customer data also features:

  • Visible asset tracking and non-visible security tracking.
  • Production-to-Destruction Lifetime asset tracking with audits.
  • 4 hour hardware replacement guarantee.
  • (Digital) Data Destruction guarantee.
  • (Physical) Hardware Destruction (WEEE) guarantee.


By default Pipe Ten networks and connecting hosts are monitored for a minimum of:

  • Latency
  • Loss
  • Volume

Additionally where appropriate traffic flows are monitored for protocol, ports, source, destination, volume and similar metrics.

OS Monitoring

Pipe Ten has been using Zabbix software since 2002 to monitor its operating system environments physical and compute (virtual and cloud).

Real-time monitoring and alerting of operating system problems is useful, but often overlooked is the value of gathering historic trends of resource availability vs. performance, which helps point towards potential root causes if/when resource related. The values monitored depending on the flavour of the particular operating system often include:

  • Processor/CPU
  • Memory/RAM
  • Disk/Storage Volume
  • Disk/Storage IO
  • Service/Process Metrics
  • Core OS Error Logging
  • Time/Drift

Pipe Ten provide packaged Operating System Monitoring with optional Response Services.

Application Monitoring

Application monitoring is the customisation and extension of the Pipe Ten OS Monitoring service specific to customers’ applications, areas of focus may include:

  • Service, binding or process status
  • Web application availability and performance metrics
  • Granular database availability and performance metrics
  • Replication or synchronisation statuses

Pipe Ten provide application monitoring as an extension of its OS Monitoring Service using Zabbix based agents, proxies and centralised server; with optional Response services.

Transaction Monitoring

Transaction monitoring is where multiple steps are required in order to assess the failure, success or time taken to perform a particular task, this can include:

  • Communicating with a web service API
  • Replicating a web browser checkout process
  • Logging into a system and performing an action

Transaction monitoring is typically provided through self-service access to Zabbix features or our Expertise service.

Security Monitoring

The more information you can get about your environments, the tighter the security and response to security incidents can be, therefore resulting in reduced compliance fines and reputation impact.

There are many approaches to security monitoring which can be deployed on the network, on the edge or on data carrying hosts. Every deployment is unique to the application involved and its architecture.

Security Monitoring services in detection and alerting mode, are after a period of configuration and learning often further extended to prevention or blocking modes for automated protection.


Pipe Ten operates a 24/7 engineering response and escalation service for its own core infrastructure and services and makes the same service available to its customers.

Using Pipe Ten’s own monitoring services or those of a third party, alerts can be configured for granular response to only critical issues or if required Pipe Ten can maintain full oversight.

On receiving an alert the on-call engineer will assess the scope, impact and validity of the alert and escalate or fix as appropriate, as per pre-agreed procedures and testing regiment provided by a customer.

Access for customers to manage maintenance windows and disable Pipe Ten response to any alerts is also available to reduce cost overheads associated with response to false-positives.


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Last saved: 2024/03/11 at 17:18 by Carl

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