Cloud Connect

Bridge Your Cloud Environments with Secure, High-Speed Cloud-Connect Solutions

Network private cloud to the public cloud or different public clouds together for high throughput, low latency, redundancy and SLA guarantees.

Ideal For:

  • Anyone seeking to connect private cloud to public cloud or multiple public clouds together.
  • Businesses requiring secure, reliable connectivity between their private and public cloud infrastructures.
  • Organisations looking to enhance their hybrid cloud strategy with private networking capabilities.
  • IT teams needing to streamline data transfer and access across cloud environments.
  • Companies aiming for improved network performance and reduced latency in their multi-cloud architecture.

Key Features:

  • Private and secure networking solutions with public clouds, ensuring exclusive and protected connections.
  • High-speed data transfer capabilities ideal for both heavy and efficient usage, maximising operational efficiency.
  • Fixed pricing for ingress and egress, providing predictable costs without hidden charges.
  • Guaranteed availability and low latency, backed by robust service level agreements (SLA) to ensure reliable service performance.
  • Private and secured MPLS networks offering enhanced security and performance over traditional connectivity options.
  • Local and geographical redundancy across multiple availability regions and zones, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Advanced capabilities surpassing those of VPNs over generic connectivity, providing superior network solutions.
  • Comprehensive support for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategies, facilitating versatile and scalable cloud architectures.

Cloud Connect Options:

Starting from
100Mbps to Public Clouds
Easy access to AWS or Azure from on-net locations.Easy access to AWS or Azure from on-net locations.
£350a month
100Mbps between Public Clouds
Easy private network access between AWS and Azure.Easy private network access between AWS and Azure.
£700a month
1Gbps to Public Clouds
High capacity to AWS or Azure from on-net locations.High capacity to AWS or Azure from on-net locations.
£CALLa month
1Gbps between Public Clouds
High capacity private network access between AWS and Azure.High capacity private network access between AWS and Azure.
£CALLa month

* Pricing for example, additional licensing and managed service costs may apply.

Cloud Connect Insights: