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Load Testing

Load Testing, is the testing (simulation) of load (usage and resultant resource usage) for a particular application and its associated infrastructure. The goal of load testing is to identify any potential bottlenecks associated with high concurrency or volumes of users and usage, allowing them to be addressed during testing rather than during production. The best way to answer the question “Can my web application support the scenario of n users doing abc action(s) within t time period?” is to simulate those users using code and tools while monitoring performance.

k6 (formerly known as LoadImpact) is one popular open source software tool Pipe Ten uses combined with appropriate compute capacity and expertise to help customers plan for success.

Application testing services include:

  • Load Testing – Expected load simulation over expected period, for purposes of availability and performance verification.
  • Smoke Testing – Minimal load simulation over short period, for on-change sanity verification.
  • Soak Testing – Normal load simulation over extended period, for runaway and exhaustion verification.
  • Stress Testing – High load simulation over normal period, performance and failure/recovery verification.
  • Spike Testing – Extreme load simulation over short period, for availability, performance and failure/recovery verification.

One of the core focus at Pipe Ten is application performance, load testing is just one small part of the complete approach we are able to supply.