WordPress 4.8.3 -Security Release

31 October 2017 - by Jamie

A new version of WordPress has been released, this is mainly to fix an SQL injection bug. WordPress users are advised to update to 4.8.3 as soon as possible.

WordPress 4.8.3

This WordPress update fixes a bug in esc_sql() which by default is secure, however when used with some plugins this function becomes insecure and can lead to malicious queries to the database.

Updating WordPress is as simple as navigating to Dashboard → Updates and clicking Update Now or alternatively by downloading directly.
Your website may be up to date if your site supports automatic background updates, so in cases there may be no need to manually update.

As always, our thanks goes to the great community members acting out responsible disclosure, and the amazing WordPress development team for their quick patching.
Don’t delay, upgrade today!