PHP 7.3 now available

29 May 2019 - by Gavin

PHP 7.3 is now available for use across all Pipe Ten’s managed Linux servers.

Customers on Pipe Ten’s legacy shared hosting servers simply need to enable it on a per domain basis in their hosting control panel.

Using PHP 7.3 should provide a 10% performance boost in processing time over PHP 7.2 along with a number of updates, including:

  • improved management of Heredoc and Nowdoc syntaxes
  • adding references with the function list()
  • improved “Argon2” password hashing algorithm
  • the appearance of an error return code on the function json_decode()

And some new features:

  • the is_countable() function which allows you to know whether an object is countable
  • the array_key_first() and array_key_last() functions that let you retrieve the first and last keys in an array

If any customer requires PHP 7.3 to be made available on their private server please raise a ticket with your request to contact the Pipe Ten support team who will be more than happy to assist.